Pat Powers, Olympic Gold Medalist and volleyball coach, visited the ISC in Cherry Hill this past weekend for his nationwide volleyball camp. Pat and I had been exchanging emails on coaching and he invited me to assist him at the camp. I’m a big fan of his volleyball coaching techniques so I jumped at the chance to meet Pat in person and learn from one of the best.
Category: Volleyball News
Thank you to everyone who joined us this weekend at the CHVBC tryout. Our coaching staff was very impressed by the level of play and we think we are going to have three strong teams in 2011. We have currently extended invitations for our teams and are awaiting responses from the players. If any additional positions become available, we will contact everyone on our tryout registration list. You can add yourself to the list here:
Thank you for your interest in CHVBC!

Hello world! Welcome to our website. Please take a moment to read our mission, enroll in a free clinic and check out our coaching staff.